Saturday, May 26, 2012

Nightmare - Bodyform

Okay. Nightmare has some weeeird stuff going on with his torso, making it necessary to do quite a bit of careful modeling and engineering. Holding stuff against yourself and looking in the mirror is okay for a while, but eventually you really need a form to work with. Using the tutorial found here, the Corps teamworked up some bodyforms. Making these things is indecent, so we don't have any process shots. Here, though, is the finished result for me:
But I have issues, and a very weird hat to build. So I took it a step further:
Are you scared? Because you should be. This thing is terrifying to be in a room with.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Nightmare - The Beginning

Well, costuming season has come, and it's time to get to work!

As previously introduced, my Foam Corps moniker is Foameo - that chap in the bulky grey suit up top. I'm a pretty mediocre hand with a sewing machine, so when we start looking at a new round of costumes, I'm the one who aims for more structural outfits.

So this time, I'm going for this bad boy:
Nightmare from SC IV. What a badass, right? Claw hand, glowing bits, smoking helmet, big freaking crystalline sword...

Yes, this... costume... is psychotically complex. Yes, I'm still going to try and build it. This would be a good time to reinforce T-paint's earlier observation: we are pretty much lunatics when it comes to propmaking.

But look at the upsides with me: As the ultimate villain, being Nightmare will make for great scene-setting with everyone else's outfits. The costume has room to build in lifts so I tower over the masses, something I'm terribly fond of. I'll get to build that articulated claw I've always wanted to do. His nonexistent midriff and exposed joints mean it will be much better ventilated than my last two big projects - I won't have to build in fans!

Obviously, there are some hurdles as well. In the clear light of day, then, let me briefly run down my plans for each. Hopefully this will help make me accountable for all the trouble my big mouth gets me into. I'm pretty long-winded when I get going, so I'm putting it under a cut.