Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Welcome to the Foam Corps!

Hello, internet! We are the Foam Corps, a group of friends joined together by our mutual love of cosplay and self-hatred. We generally tackle one large project per year. So far we've won 2 major awards: 2nd Place in Gaming costumes at GenCon 2010 for our Bioshock group, and Best in Show at GenCon 2011 for our Warhammer 40k group. We're pretty much going to own at GenCon 2012 as well with a Soul Calibur group. Watch out!! All of us have cosplayed before, but I'm only really going to feature the costumes we've built together because I think they're way more awesome than our solo projects.

So who are these Foam Corps members, you ask? Let me tell you.

T-PAINT (me!)
Strengths: Paint finishes, surfacing, screen printing, detail work, not procrastinating
Past costumes: Co-builder and wearer of Big Daddy suit, Warhammer 40k Sister of Battle
Future costumes: Hildegard von Krone, Soul Calibur IV armor
I am T-Paint. I'm a visual artist and pro screen printer.  My favorite part of costumes is all the finishing touches and paint effects. As a result, I maybe sometimes have some odd ideas about how some of my armor pieces will work, but dammit, they look awesome! (even if they require a lot of repair between wears....) I love armor-heavy costumes to the point where I'm in a perpetual contest with myself to try and show less skin than the previous outfit. Big Daddy is probably the winner.

Strengths: Engineering, foam carving, large-scale builds, sled management
Past costumes: Co-builder and wearer of Big Daddy suit, Warhammer 40k Grey Knight Terminator
Future costumes: Nightmare, Soul Calibur IV armor
Foameo is the math guy of the group. He's most often seen wandering around in PVC frames and muttering about the properties of caulk. Foameo has a penchant for building large-scale armor, and he's damn good at it! He has a slight tendency to start projects later than he should, but we're going to make him get started early for GenCon 2012. Right.....?

Strengths: Sewing, sewing, sewing, sewing, detail work, sewing, epic swords, glue gun burn recovery
Past costumes: Little Sister (Bioshock group), Warhammer 40k Sister Repentia
Future costumes: Ashlotte, Soul Calibur IV
Bobbin Hood is our ace seamstress. Driven by perfectionism, her pattern-drafting skills are honed to a razor's edge. She is the mistress of machine-sewing, the scion of serging, the hegemon of hemming. If it can be sewn by human hands, Bobbin Hood is its master. Bobbin Hood also has the distinct honor of having won a totally badass sewing machine that was expensive enough to technically constitute coming out ahead financially for a costume. Nice.

Strengths: Hardware, sewing, optimism, muddling through, contest blurb writer
Past costumes: Splicer (Bioshock group), Warhammer 40k Inquisitor Eisenhorn
Future costumes: Yoshimitsu, Soul Calibur IV 2P version
James Bondo is, in theory, the least experienced costumer amongst us. However, he's been bringing the thunder with his drive to succeed and his ability to learn quickly. As a former hardware store employee, James Bondo brings to the table an extensive knowledge of nuts and bolts as well as connections in the business that we mercilessly exploit.